Training workshops 2013
Conflict to calm - One day workshop
Healing from the inside out - One day workshop
Exploring feelings through Storymaking techniques therapeutic storymaking
Aims: participants will be introduced to therapeutic story-writing learning how storytelling helps children deal with trauma, how to construct a therapeutic story tailoring stories to fit particular issues.
Outcomes: you will develop knowledge of how to use and create stories and narratives, using symbolism, postcards and imagery in the creation of your own stories. You will learn ways in which stories can illustrate trauma, suggest solutions and foster emotional change in the support of young people.
Creative Writing workshops
Aims: participants will employ a range of different writing styles incorporating poetry, prose and free associated scripts, exploring their experiences of mental distress. The sharing of themes such as aspects of childhood, recent past histories, relationships and personal isolation will be identified. Participants will examine the concept of empathy identifying emotions in others, enhancing relationship, communication and social skills.
Outcomes: the participants will develop skills in creative self-expression, explore emotional and behavioral problems, develop trust, release and confront difficult feelings.
Youth skills workshops
Understanding Self Harm
This workshop will help raise awareness around self injurious behavior and precursors to self harm. You will explore motivations, meanings and functions of self injury for the individual learning ways of how to respond to it.
Working with abused children
Participants will be introduced to a general overview of the dimensions of abuse and the consequences of it. You will develop awareness of treatment methods, learning practical methods around communication, and stages of healing within a therapeutic environment.
More youth skills creative workshops
For more info click Behavioural Management Skills